43 Peartree Lane
Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 3UA
Opening Hours Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00

Comprehensive oral health consultations are an essential part of prevention of dental disease and help to recognise any developing problems before they become more serious.

Health Check Overview

First, we will carefully listen to any concerns, problems or questions you may have in a relaxed, friendly environment. All of your personal treatment objectives, ranging from treatment for bad breath to a full smile make-over, will be taken on board and the examination tailored to your personal needs and expectations. All suitable treatment options will be discussed, including specialist treatment as necessary.

Every examination will address fundamentals such as:

The detection of tooth decay, using magnification, powerful lighting, and x-rays. Though a tooth may appear to be healthy, such techniques will allow the dentist to detect decay under the enamel, infection of the roots, fractures and so on.

The assessment of gum health and detection of gum disease and periodontal disease.

Screening for mouth cancer and other oral diseases. Just fewer than 2,000 people a year die from oral cancer. Prevention is the main management, and each consultation will allow the dentist to assess individual risk factors and advise on reducing these risks. Early detection is essential for survival and we have an excellent record for this at Peartree Clinic Welwyn. We work in collaboration with the Saving Faces Charity and Specialist NHS services.

Helpful Links

Saving Faces: http://www.savingfaces.co.uk/

Oral Health Foundation: http://www.mouthcancer.org/

NHS Smokefree: https://www.nhs.uk/smokefree